Thursday 29 May 2008

Graffiti - The Fight Back Begins

For so many people who move to East Renfrewshire the prospect of a better, cleaner environment is very often the very reason they aspire to moving to this area. Since Labour took over the administration of our local authority, (13 years ago), our streets have become litter strewn, the fabric of the local area has become unkempt and graffiti has become widespread. My recent canvass and survey returns show graffiti has become a priority for local people and that is why I intend to do something about the aesthetics of our local area.

I am sick and tired of the Council claiming to have graffiti squads touring the area to remove graffiti from junction boxes, post boxes, railings and walls. Everyone I speak to who reports graffiti wait weeks, if not longer, for something to be done to remove these eyesores and that simply is not good enough for local residents who pay the highest average Council Tax in Scotland.

That is why I am writing to all our Utility companies to seek standing order permission to take graffiti off their street furniture. Once this is to hand I look forward to working with local people to identify graffiti locations across East Renfrewshire so we can take graffiti "OFF THE WALL" and send a message to the minority of disrespectful and disruptive youths who are ruining our area.

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